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Here are some of our favorite recordings - for more content, check out our YouTube and Soundcloud channels, as well as social media:
Click Here to listen to our debut Album!
"Mexican Lie" from Nur Slim's The Myth of Coronis.
This world premiere was performed by the Amity Trio on February 28, 2020, at Indiana University's Auer Hall.
"To Summer" from The Seasons by Gina Gillie; text by William Blake. Auer Hall, Indiana University February 27, 2020.
Excerpt from Concerto for violin, horn and piano, by Ethel Smyth. Performed on February 28, 2020 at Indiana University's Auer Hall.
The Castle-Builder, by Lauren Bernofsky Text by Henry. W. Longfellow Auer Hall, Indiana University November 27, 2017